The State of Things

Hello anyone and everyone who has somehow reached this site. It's been a while. This is not, on the whole, an accident. It's by design. Regular updates were never a part of my plan, even when regular writing was. To those reaching this site because they're fans of my father, Rick: As it stands I... Continue Reading →

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A Cooking Egg

I just finished watching Network with some friends, as one is wont to do, and it got me thinking about the nature of the internet, this spot where you have found me and these words which, for the moment, you fancy are directed towards you. I am an individual. I'm writing these words right now... Continue Reading →

“Church Going” continued

This is the newest draft of a poem I've covered in a couple of posts now: What I've done in this draft, you'll probably notice immediately, is pare down the entire expression into three stanzas, from the last draft's seven. The idea behind this draft was to restructure it behind a specific hospital, Seton. I... Continue Reading →

By the pond at Central Market

A woman, concealed by the wide brim of her hatscans the lines of the water where I've come to drink my coffeeand paw through my notebook, menacing me awayfrom any spot too near her eye-line or her. The turtles, sun-bathingthere's a touch of nature worth watching. But my bodyand the uniform it's dressed in do... Continue Reading →

Editing “Church Going”

Today I'm going to draft the poem from a few updates ago, tentatively titled Church Going, after the Larkin poem. I thought it might interest somebody out there for me to talk through this editing process. There is a persistent lie we tell young writers, that poems are spontaneous and magical, and most of us... Continue Reading →

Church Going,

The dark night is a lie which floats around me a denial of the lamps and cars and houses, but true to my soul, which can no longer know what will could possibly light them my feet find ground as firm as ever, except the odd puddle from six days' drizzle and my lips press... Continue Reading →

A Tactics Ogre Metanarrative

After saving the world from my adoptive sister's dead father – who in traveling through the gates of hell was transformed into an evil ogre wizard – and placing her on the throne, where she rightfully belongs, putting an end to decades of war and creating a peace said to last 1000 years, I was... Continue Reading →

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